St Andrew's Ceilidh

Our main St Andrew's-tide activity is our Ceilidh, usually held on the last Saturday in November.

This event attracts a wide cross-section of the membership and comprises music, dance and poetry performed by a number of our members of all ages and there are also dances and songs for all to join in.

Our 2020 and 2021 Ceilidhs were not held at our usual venue, but were instead held on zoom to enable all members to attend safely.
Members and friends of all ages took part in the evening either live or pre-recorded, including some archive footage of past highlights
We followed this up with a summer ceilidh in June.

Our 2022 and 2023 St Andrew's Ceilidh were back in-person at our usual venue and with a number of members contributing to the entertainment, as well as songs and dances for all to join in.

This year's St Andrew's Ceilidh - Sat 30th Nov 2024

St Alban's church hall, North Harrow

Family occasion suitable for all ages

Do get in touch  for further details

We had a good attendance of members and friends
of all ages at our 2008 and 2018 Ceilidhs
marking our 80th and 90th anniversaries
with a wide variety of entertainment provided by our members
as well as simple ceilidh dances enjoyed by all.

St Andrew's coffee morning and church service

Our St Andrew's-tide events also include a coffee morning on a Saturday morning which gives an opportunity for conversations with new and longstanding friends in the Society.  We are also usually invited on the Sunday to attend the morning worship at Trinity URC/Methodist church.

For further information contact

Our 2021 Ceilidh will not be at our usual venue St Alban's church, Norwood Drive, North Harrow in November.  Members and friends of all ages will be taking part in the evening.  Do get in touch if you would like to join us. 

St Andrew's Ceilidh - Sat 28th Nov 2021 - St Alban's Church, Norwood Drive, North Harrow HA2 7PF

Family occasion suitable for all ages with entertainment and dances for all  

St Andrew's Ceilidh - Sat 28th Nov 2021 - St Alban's Church, Norwood Drive, North Harrow HA2 7PF

Family occasion suitable for all ages with entertainment and dances for all

Harrow  &  District  Caledonian  Society

offering Scottish activities and friendship in this part of Middlesex/NW London for over 90 years
90th anniversary celebrations

Our Society celebrated its 90th anniversary in 2018-19 and our St Andrew's Ceilidh formed one focus of our year's celebrations. 

The photograph on the front page of this website was taken at the equivalent event at our 80th anniversary celebrations and new photos have been taken during this year.